Category: Raspberry Pi

Configuring an Infrared Remote Control to Control RuneAudio Archlinux (without needing LIRC)

Linux Misc Technical Raspberry Pi

Configuring an Infrared Remote Control to Control RuneAudio Archlinux (without needing LIRC)


As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog article, I have started using a brilliant Raspberry Pi-based music player called RuneAudio (which uses Music Player Daemon – MPD – at its heart). I have this connected to a home cinema system,

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LIRC configuration file for Sony RM-ADP090 remote control

Linux Misc Technical Raspberry Pi

LIRC configuration file for Sony RM-ADP090 remote control

Recent Linux kernels include support for infrared remote controls and so the requirement for LIRC (Linux Infrared Remote Control) has been diminishing, but nevertheless some systems still use it. I was doing some work with LIRC recently and I couldn’t find a configuration file for

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ID3 tag incompatibility between iTunes and Linux – and how to fix it

Linux Misc Technical Raspberry Pi

ID3 tag incompatibility between iTunes and Linux – and how to fix it

I recently set up a Raspberry Pi-based music player based on Rune Audio. At its core it uses Music Player Daemon (MPD) – but I found that MPD wouldn’t read the ID3 tags on a lot of my music tracks. After some investigation I

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Raspberry Pi-based music player with Rune Audio

Misc Technical Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi-based music player with Rune Audio

I have recently had some fun setting up a Raspberry Pi-based music player – in fact it took me longer than I was expecting: it took a while to find a music player that I was happy with, and I also found that the tags

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