Vaughan Harper's blog IBM, IBM Security Access Manager, IBM Security Verify Access, ISAM, ISVA Script to download application log files from ISAM appliance
Script to download application log files from ISAM appliance

IBM IBM Security Access Manager IBM Security Verify Access ISAM ISVA

Script to download application log files from ISAM appliance

I was given a Hotfix by IBM when we were investigating a memory utilisation problem with IBM Security Verify Access (ISVA, formerly IBM Security Access Manager, ISAM), earlier this year. This Hotfix generated a set of resource monitor diagnostic files every 20 minutes, so it wasn’t long before I had hundreds of files to download and send to IBM. I would have lost patience downloading the files manually using the LMI, so here is the script that I wrote to do the job, in case it’s of use to anyone. (It is very quick and dirty, and it could definitely be improved, but it worked and saved me a lot of pointing and clicking!)

# Download ISAM application log files
# Derived from ideas in this link:
# Vaughan Harper, January 2023

# It is necessary to specify the username, password, and hostname of the LMI

# <user name>:<password>:

#Hostname of LMI:

# First get list of available files:
curl -k -s -H 'Accept: application/json' --user "$UP" "https://$LMI/isam/application_logs/management_ui/resource_monitor_logs"  > file.list

# Now download the files one-by-one
# Note that the '+' character in the filenames needs to be converted to '%2B'
for row in $(jq -r '.contents[]|.name' file.list); do
	_jq() {
	 echo ${row}
   echo Filename: $(_jq '.contents[]|.name' |sed 's/+/%2B/g')
   curl -v -k -O -J --user "$UP" "https://$LMI/isam/application_logs/management_ui/resource_monitor_logs/$(_jq '.contents[]|.name' |sed 's/+/%2B/g')?type=File"


Written by Vaughan

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