Vaughan Harper's blog Misc Technical, Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi-based music player with Rune Audio
Raspberry Pi-based music player with Rune Audio

Misc Technical Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi-based music player with Rune Audio

I have recently had some fun setting up a Raspberry Pi-based music player – in fact it took me longer than I was expecting: it took a while to find a music player that I was happy with, and I also found that the tags in my iTunes-based music collection weren’t understood by the Linux-based music playing software.

I looked at Volumio, moOde audio player and Rune Audio. They all have Music Player Daemon (MPD) at their core, but with different front-ends for controlling MPD. I have been really impressed with Rune Audio – you can find a link to the latest version of the software at

I’ll write more about this soon…


Written by Vaughan

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