On my ISAM system I recently had a problem trying to edit the IBM Security Access Manager (ISAM) Reverse Proxy (WebSEAL) configuration file – after clicking ‘Save’ I got the following error message:
System Error 2016-05-19-03:47:36.718+01:00I----- 0x35E5102B WebSEAL-Mgmt-API FATAL pdz general ZProperties.cpp 687 0x7fd04f445820 HPDPZ0043E An access function failed for configuration file /var/www/lmi/tmp/rp1.out.obf. The access function was mapFile() and return code was 22.
(‘rp1’ was the name of my Reverse Proxy instance.)
Fortunately this is a known problem described at: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IV80041
So I deleted the following lines from my reverse proxy configuration file:
[configuration-database] file = /var/www/lmi/tmp/rp1.out.obf
And after that I was able to save my configuration file.
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